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cosinor() fits a regression model of a time variable to a continuous outcome use trigonometric features. This approaches uses the linearization of the parameters to assess their statistics and distribution.


cosinor(t, ...)

# Default S3 method
cosinor(t, ...)

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
cosinor(t, y, tau, population = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for class 'matrix'
cosinor(t, y, tau, population = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for class 'formula'
cosinor(formula, data, tau, population = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for class 'recipe'
cosinor(t, data, tau, population = NULL, ...)



Represents the ordered time indices that provide the positions for the cosine wave. Depending on the context:

  • A data frame of a time-based predictor/index.

  • A matrix of time-based predictor/index.

  • A recipe specifying a set of preprocessing steps created from recipes::recipe().


Not currently used, but required for extensibility.


When t is a data frame or matrix, y is the outcome specified as:

  • A data frame with 1 numeric column.

  • A matrix with 1 numeric column.

  • A numeric vector.


A vector that determines the periodicity of the time index. The number of elements in the vector determine the number of components (e.g. single versus multiple cosinor).

  • A vector with a single element = single-component cosinor, e.g. period = c(24)

  • A vector with multiple elements = multiple-component cosinor, e.g. period = c(24, 12)


Represents the population to be analyzed with a population-mean cosinor. Defaults to NULL, assuming individual cosinors are being generated. When a recipe or formula is used, population is specified as:

  • A character name of the column contained in data that contains identifiers for each subject. Every row will have a subject name which should be duplicated for each time index given.

When a data frame or matrix is used, population is specified as:

  • A vector of the same length as t, with values representing each subject at the correct indices.


A formula specifying the outcome terms on the left-hand side, and the predictor terms on the right-hand side.


When a recipe or formula is used, data is specified as:

  • A data frame containing both the predictors and the outcome.


A cosinor object.

See also

Other cosinor: augment.cosinor(), ggcosinor()


# Data setup

# Formula interface
model <- cosinor(rDYX ~ hour, twins, tau = 24)