Anish S. Shah, MD, MS

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Updated June 18, 2024

Personal information

Physical address


University of Illinois Chicago
Division of Cardiology
840 S Wood St
Suite 920, M/C 715
Chicago, IL 60612


Jesse Brown VA Medical Center
820 S. Damen Avenue
Specialty Clinic, 2nd Floor, Damen Tower
Chicago, IL 60612


United States of America


Academic Training

Bachelor of Science – Linguistics | Neuroscience 2007 – 2011
Emory University College of Arts and Sciences

Doctor of Medicine 2012 – 2016
Texas A&M University College of Medicine

Master of Science – Clinical Research 2019 – 2020
Emory University Laney Graduate School

Clinical Training

Residency – Internal Medicine 2016 – 2019
J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency, Emory University School of Medicine

  • Distinction in Teaching and Leadership

Fellowship – Cardiovascular Medicine 2020 – 2024
University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine

  • Physician-Scientist Track
  • Primary Mentor: Dawood Darbar, MD

Fellowship – Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology 2024 – 2026
University of Utah School of Medicine


Clinical Skills

Point-of-care ultrasonography
Arterial line placement (radial, brachial, dorsalis pedis)
Arthrocentesis (knee, ankle, shoulder)
Central line placement (internal jugular, femoral, subclavian)
Lumbar puncture
Coronary angiography
Temporary/permanent pacemaker implantation
Echocardiography - 2D/3D, transthoracic and transesophageal


  • English – fluent
  • Gujurati – fluent
  • Spanish – fluent

Technical Skills

R - programming language for statistical computing
PERL - high-level programming language for text processing and manipulation
C++ - low-level programming language for data processing
Vim - command line editing
Git - version control system
MATLAB - matrix-oriented mathematical programming language
Python - high-level programming language for data analysis


Emergency Medical Technician Basic 2007 – 2010 National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

Basic Life Support 2012 – Present
American Heart Association

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support 2012 – Present
American Heart Association

Advanced Trauma Life Support 2012 – 2016 American College of Surgeons

Open Water Diver 2015 – Present
Professional Association of Diving Instructors

Wilderness First Responder 2016 – Present National Outdoor Leadership School

Basic Keelboat 101 2017 – Present
American Sailing Association

Internal Medicine 2019 – Present
American Board of Internal Medicine

Adult Echocardiography 2023 – Present
National Board of Echocardiography

Cardiovascular Medicine 2023 – Present
American Board of Internal Medicine


Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Epidemiology 2019 – 2020
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health

  • NIH-TL1 Scholar
  • Primary Mentor: Amit J. Shah, MD, MS

Assistant Professor of Medicine 2019 – 2020
Division of Hospital Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine

  • Service Lines: Hospital Medicine, Procedure Service
  • Locations: Grady Memorial Hospital, Emory University Midtown Hospital

Instructor of Medicine 2020 – 2024
College of Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago

Honors and Awards


Delores B. Aldridge Excellence in Service to a Diverse Community Award 2009
Emory University

Speaker to His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama 2009
Emory-Tibet Science Initiative

  • Selected to represent Emory students in a meeting with the 14th Dalai Lama in MacLeod Gange, India.

Nu Rho Psi Honor Society 2009 – 2011
Emory University

College of Medicine Research Symposium 2015
Texas A&M University

  • \(1^{st}\) Place Oral Presentation


Doctor’s Dilemma (Medical Jeopardy) 2017
Georgia American College of Physician Conference


EMT-Basic National Competition 2007 Health Occupation Students of America

  • \(1^{st}\) Place

Medical Student Research Program in Diabetes 2013
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

American Heart Association Scientific Sessions - Top Donors Meeting Presentation 2018

  • Special invitation to discuss research with AHA leadership and top philanthropists

NIH-TL1 Postdoctoral Fellow 2019-2020
Ruth L. Kirschtein National Research Service Award

NIH-T32 Postdoctoral Fellow 2019-2020
Ruth L. Kirschtein National Research Service Award

NIH-F32 Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-2024
Ruth L. Kirschtein National Research Service Award


Atrial Fibrillation Genetics Consortium Fellow 2023 – 2024
Atrial Fibrillation Genetics Consortium

Professional Activities

Professional Societies

Texas Medical Association 2012 – 2016
Student Member

American College of Physicians 2012 – Present

American Medical Aossciation 2012 – Present

American Heart Association 2018 – Present

American College of Cardiology 2020 – Present

Heart Rhythm Society 2023 – Present


Ad-Hoc Reviewer:

BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care 2019
Journal of Electroconvulsive Therapy 2020
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 2021
BMJ Open 2021
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 2023
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 2024
BMC Global and Public Health 2024

Teaching and Mentoring Activities


Teaching Assistant – Cellular Biology 2010
Department of Biology, Emory University College of Arts and Sciences

Tutor – Biology, Chemistry, Physics 2011 – 2012
Department of Physics, North Lake College

Tutor – Histology 2013
Texas A&M University College of Medicine

Faculty Preceptor – Physician Assistant Program 2017 – 2019
Didactic Experiential Learning Program, Emory University School of Medicine

Teaching Attending – Point-of-Care Ultrasound Elective 2019 – 2020
J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program, Emory University School of Medicine


Session Leader – Internship Bootcamp 2016
Texas A&M University College of Medicine

Workshop Leader – M3 Ultrasound Workshop 2018 – 2019
Emory University School of Medicine

Workshop Leader – Physical Exam and Clinical Decision Making 2019
Emory University School of Medicine

Workshop Leader – Point-of-Care Ultrasound Workshop 2018
Southern Hospital Medicine Conference

Clinical Presentations

Emory University:

Bite-Sized Teaching Mode: Lotions, Ointments, and Creams, Oh My! February 28, 2018
Journal Club: Intervention for Ischemic Stroke March 21, 2018
Bite-Sized Teaching Mode: Ironing Out Transfusions in Sickle Cell September 26, 2018

University of Illinois Chicago:

Clinical Case Conference: Restrictive Cardiomyopathy December 20, 2020
Journal Club: GALACTIC-HF February 1, 2021
Cardiac Catheterization Conference: Antiplatelet Agents November 16, 2021
Electrophysiology Conference: Typical AVNRT December 7, 2022
Echocardiography Conference: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy February 23, 2023
Clinical Case Conference: Dilated Cardiomyopathy April 8, 2024


Shishir Gupta 2019 – 2020
Medical Student at Department of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University

  • Research mentorship

Shashank Sadhu 2022 – Present
Medical Student at College of Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago

  • Mentor for James Cook Scholarship

Darren Seaney 2023 – Present
Medical Student at College of Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago

  • Mentor for Craig Scholarship
    Mentor for NIDDK-T35 on Diabetes and Atrial Fibrillation

Angela Hussain 2023 – 2024
Medical Student at College of Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago

  • Mentor for Urban Health Scholarship
    Mentor for James Cook Scholarship

Invited Presentations


Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Parasternal Long Axis November 16, 2017
Division of General Medicine and Geriatrics
Emory University School of Medicine

The Problem Learner: A History and Physical for Learners with Difficulties March 15, 2018
J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program
Emory University School of Medicine

The History of Sudden Cardiac Death: the Role of the Autonomic Nervous System February 18, 2019
J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program
Emory University School of Medicine

  • Senior Grand Rounds

Vagolysis and Arrhythmogenesis February 12, 2023
University of Illinois Chicago Department of Medicine

Autonomic and Structural Mechanisms in Atrial Fibrillation December 18, 2023
University of Illinois Chicago Department of Medicine


“8 Minutes-to-Win-It”: Top Inpatient Teaching Sessions by Soon-To-Be-Leaders October 4, 2018
Southern Hospital Medicine Conference


Circadian Autonomic Inflexibility: A Marker of Ischemic Heart Disease November 6, 2018
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions

  • Top Donors Meeting Presentation

ECG Prediction of Loss-of-Function TTN Variants March 27, 2024
AFGen Consortium Fellowship Meeting

Mendelian Randomization in Practice April 24, 2024
AFGen Consortium Fellows Meeting


NIH-T32 Postdoctoral Scholar 2019 – 2020
Disturbances of the Neurocardiac Axis: Using Heart Rate Variability to Measure Disease in the Brain and Heart
NHLBI Training Grant

  • TL1-TR002382
  • UL1-TR002378

NIH-T32 Postdoctoral Fellow 2022 – 2024
Training Program in Personalized Cardiovascular Medicine (TPIPCVM)
NHLBI Training Grant

  • T32-HL139439

NIH-F32 Principal Investigator 2021 – 2024 Association of Autonomic Dysfunction with the Relationship between Depression and Coronary Disease
NHLBI Training Grant

  • F32-HL154707


Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Shah, AS, Lampert, R, Goldberg, J, Bremner, JD, Li, L, Thames, MD, Vaccarino, V, Shah, AJ (2020). Alterations in heart rate variability are associated with abnormal myocardial perfusion. International Journal of Cardiology 305, 99-105. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2020.01.069
  2. Shah, AS, Alonso, A, Whitsel, EA, Soliman, EZ, Vaccarino, V, Shah, AJ (2021). Association of Psychosocial Factors With Short‐Term Resting Heart Rate Variability: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Journal of the American Heart Association 10(5), e017172. doi:10.1161/JAHA.120.017172
  3. Vaccarino, V, Almuwaqqat, Z, Kim, JH, Hammadah, M, Shah, AJ, Ko, YA, Elon, L, Sullivan, S, Shah, A, Alkhoder, A, Lima, BB, Pearce, B, Ward, L, Kutner, M, Hu, Y, Lewis, TT, Garcia, EV, Nye, J, Sheps, DS, Raggi, P, Bremner, JD, Quyyumi, AA (2021). Association of Mental Stress–Induced Myocardial Ischemia With Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease. JAMA 326(18), 1818-1828. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.17649
  4. Moazzami, K, Cheung, B, Sullivan, S, Shah, AS, Almuwaqqat, Z, Alkhoder, A, Mehta, PK, Pearce, BD, Shah, AJ, Martini, A, Obideen, M, Nye, J, Bremner, JD, Vaccarino, V, Quyyumi, AA (2023). Hemodynamic Reactivity to Mental Stress in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. JAMA Network Open 6(10), e2338060. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.38060
  5. Huang, M, Shah, AJ, Lampert, R, Bliwise, DL, Johnson, DA, Clifford, GD, Sloan, R, Goldberg, J, Ko, YA, Da Poian, G, Perez‐Alday, EA, Almuwaqqat, Z, Shah, AS, Garcia, M, Young, A, Moazzami, K, Bremner, JD, Vaccarino, V (2024). Heart Rate Variability, Deceleration Capacity of Heart Rate, and Death: A Veteran Twins Study. Journal of the American Heart Association 13(7), e032740. doi:10.1161/JAHA.123.032740
  6. Shah, AS, Ongtengco, A, Qiao, V, Chen, Y, Diaz, A, Hill, M, Bhan, A, Tofovic, DS, Darbar, D (2024). Association Between Family History and Early‐Onset Atrial Flutter Across Racial and Ethnic Groups. Journal of the American Heart Association 13(10), e032320. doi:10.1161/JAHA.123.032320
  7. Osei, J, Vaccarino, V, Wang, M, Shah, AS, Lampert, R, Li, LY, Ko, YA, Pearce, BD, Kutner, M, Garcia, EV, Piccinelli, M, Raggi, P, Bremner, JD, Quyyumi, AA, Sun, YV, Ahmed, H, Haddad, G, Daaboul, O, Roberts, T, Stefanos, L, Correia, L, Shah, AJ (2024). Stress-Induced Autonomic Dysfunction is Associated With Mental Stress-Induced Myocardial Ischemia in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. Circulation. Cardiovascular Imaging NA, e016596. doi:10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.124.016596

Working Manuscripts

  1. Shah, AJ, Shah, AS (2020). Cardiotoxic Effects of Diabetes Mellitus in South Asians.
  2. Shah, AS, Alonso, A, Sweis, J, Chen, Y, Griza, S, Barney, M, Diaz, A, Al-Azzam, B, Ornelas-Loredo, A, Ziccardi, MR, Darbar, FA, Shah, AJ, Benjamin, EJ, Darbar, D (2024). Association of Atrial Fibrillation Symptom Burden with Social Determinants of Health.
  3. Shah, AS, Vaccarino, V, Moazzami, K, Almuwaqqat, Z, Garcia, M, Ward, L, Elon, L, Ko, YA, Sun, Y, Pearce, BD, Raggi, P, Bremner, JD, Lampert, R, Quyyumi, AA, Shah, AJ (2024). Autonomic Reactivity to Mental Stress is Associated with Cardiovascular Mortality.


  1. Shah, AS, Poian, GD, Shah, AJ (2020). Psychological Effects on Autonomic Variability in Circadian Rhythm.
  2. Shah, AS, Shah, AJ, Choi, SH, Benjamin, E, Darbar, D (2024). Electrical Phenotypes of Genetic Risk for Atrial Fibrillation.


  1. Shah, AS (2021). ‘Stress Reactivity: Disturbances of the Neurocardiac Axis’. Master’s Thesis. Emory University.


  1. Shah, AS (2020). card: Cardiovascular Applications in Research Data, Version: NA.
  2. Shah, AS (2024). rmdl: Language to Manage Many Models, Version: 0.1.0.
  3. Shah, AS (2024). EGM: Evaluating Cardiac Electrophysiology Signals, Version: 0.1.0.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Shah, A, Lampert, R, Goldberg, J, Bremner, JD, Vaccarino, V, Shah, A (2018). Circadian Autonomic Inflexibility: A Marker of Ischemic Heart Disease. AHA Scientific Sessions 2018, 2018-11-06, NA. In: Circulation 138, A15216-A15216. doi:doi:10.1161/circ.138.suppl_1.15216
  2. Shah, A, Alonso, A, Whitsel, EA, Soliman, EZ, Vaccarino, V, Shah, AJ (2020). Association of Psychosocial Factors With Heart Rate Variability: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. AHA Scientific Sessions 2020, 2020-03-03, Chicago, IL. In: Circulation 141, AP542-AP542. doi:doi:10.1161/circ.141.suppl_1.P542
  3. Shah, AS (2020). Autonomic Dysfunction as a Marker of Depression and Coronary Artery Disease. Translational Science 2020, 2020-06-01, Virtual. In: Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 4, 93-93. doi:doi:10.1017/cts.2020.291
  4. Hill, MC, Chalazan, B, Tofovic, D, Chen, Y, Shah, A, Barney, M, Diaz, A, Konda, S, Darbar, D (2023). Prevalence of disease-associated cardiomyopathy gene variants in ethnic minorities with atrial fibrillation. ACC.23, 2023-03-07, New Orleans, LA. In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 81, 21-21. doi:doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(23)00465-5
  5. Shah, AS, Vaccarino, V, Ko, YA, Almuwaqqat, Z, Garcia, M, Moazzami, K, Wang, M, Levantsevych, O, young, a, Ward, L, Nye, J, Raggi, P, Sheps, DS, Lampert, RJ, Bremner, D, Sun, Y, Garcia, EV, Quyyumi, AA, Shah, AJ (2023). Mental stress-induced autonomic dysfunction is associated with cardiovascular mortality. ACC.23, 2023-03-07, New Orleans, LA. In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 81, 1146-1146. doi:doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(23)01590-5
  6. Wang, M, Liu, C, Shah, AS, Ko, YA, Sun, Y, Lampert, RJ, Garcia, M, Moazzami, K, Almuwaqqat, Z, Ward, L, Sullivan, S, Raggi, P, Bremner, D, Quyyumi, AA, Vaccarino, V, Morris, AA, Shah, AJ (2023). Heart Rate Variability During Mental Stress Predicts Heart Failure Outcomes In Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease. ACC.23, 2023-03-07, New Orleans, LA. In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 81, 469. doi:doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(23)00913-0
  7. Osei, J, Vaccarino, V, Wang, M, Shah, AS, Lampert, RJ, Ko, YA, Pearce, B, Kutner, M, Garcia, EV, Piccinelli, M, Raggi, P, Bremner, J, Quyyumi, AA, Sun, Y, Haddad, G, Li, L, Correia, L, Roberts, TE, Stefanos, L, Ahmed, H, Shah, AJ (2024). Stress-Induced Autonomic Dysfunction is Associated With Mental Stress-Induced Myocardial Ischemia in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. AHA EPI|Lifestyle Scientific Sessions 2024, 2024-03-19, Chicago, IL. In: Circulation 149, AP241-AP241. doi:doi:10.1161/circ.149.suppl_1.P241