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Reformats recurrent event data (wide) into different models for survival analysis, but can also be used for simple survival analysis tables as well. The general format is how data tends to be collected. There is left and right censoring date, a labeled event column that contains the date of the event, and a censoring column for a final censoring event. The accepted parameter options are listed, with the type of table that will be generated:

  • traditional: Traditional survival table that has single censoring event (trad)

  • counting : Formally called the Andersen and Gill model (ag). Counting process model assumes each event is independent and that a subject contributes to the risk set during the time under observation. Multiple events are treated as a new (but delayed) entry that is followed until the next event. This means subjects under observation are at risk for a second event, even without having had a prior event. There are thus no strata in the model.

  • marginal: Formally called the Wei-Lin-Weissfield model, but more commonly known as a marginal model (marginal). Marginal models assumes each event is a separate process. Each subject is at risk for all events. The time for an event starts at the beginning of follow-up for each subject. Thus, each risk period is considered a different strata (regardless of if subject had an event or not).

  • conditional A: Formally called the Prentice, Williams, and Peterson total time model (pwptt). Conditional A models order events by stratification, based on the number of events prior. All subjects are at risk for the left strata, but only those with a previous event are at risk for a successive event. The total time to event is used.

  • conditional B: Formally called the Prentice, Williams, and Peterson gap time model (pwpgt). Conditional B models also order events by strata (like conditional A), however the time to outcome is defined as the gap between the time of previous event.


recur(data, model_type, id, left, right, censor = NULL, event_dates = NULL)



A dataframe containing the subsequent parameters


Model type that is indicated:

  • trad makes traditional survival table

  • ag makes table with risk periods starting at time of prior event without conditional strata

  • marginal makes table with risk periods from entry to censorship with strata per each event

  • pwptt makes table with risk periods starting at time of prior event with conditional strata

  • pwpgt makes table with risk periods of each time interval between events, with conditional strata


Column in dataframe that contains unique IDs for each row


Column with left/enrollment dates


Column with right/censoring time point, or right contact


Column that names if death/final censorship is known (0 or 1). The default is that, if no censorship information is given, that are no failure events at time of right contact. censor is not required for recurrent event analysis, but is required for traditional survival tables.


Vector of columns that contain event dates


A data frame organized into a survival table format. Output options are in Details. Generally, the following columns are generated:

  • id: An ID column is created

  • start: A formatted start time, usually 0

  • stop: A formatted stop time, in days, from prior event

  • status: If event occurred or not

  • strata: Event strata that is being applied


This function takes every event date, and creates several types of recurrent event tables. It orders the data chronologically for repeat events. Currently does normal (left event) and recurrent models (counting, marginal, and conditional A and B models). Further details can be found at IDRE.

  • For recurrent events, the final censoring event can include death, or can be ignored if its not considered a failure event.

  • For traditional survival analysis, censor is required and event_dates should be left as NULL. The function will do the rest.

Performance: Importantly, for large datasets of recurrent data (>500 rows), this function will show significant slow-down since it uses an intuitive approach on defining the datasets. Future iterations will create a vectorized approach that should provide performance speed-ups.


# \donttest{
# Data
#> Warning: data set ‘mims’ not found

# Parameters
id <- "patid"
left <- "left_visit_date_bl"
right <- "ldka"
event_dates <- c("mi_date_1", "mi_date_2", "mi_date_3")
model_type <- "marginal"
censor <- "DEATH_CV_YN"

# Run analysis
out <- recur(
  mims, model_type, id, left, right, censor, event_dates
#> Error in id %in% names(data): object 'mims' not found
# }