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The model_table() or mdl_tbl() function creates a mdl_tbl object that is composed of either fmls objects or mdl objects, which are thin/informative wrappers for generic formulas and hypothesis-based models. The mdl_tbl is a data frame of model information, such as model fit, parameter estimates, and summary statistics about a model, or a formula if it has not yet been fit.


mdl_tbl(..., data = NULL)

model_table(..., data = NULL)




Named or unnamed mdl or fmls objects


A data.frame or tbl_df object, named correspondingly to the underlying data used in the models (to help match)


A mdl_tbl object


A mdl_tbl object, which is essentially a data.frame with additional information on the relevant data, terms, and formulas used to generate the models.


The table itself allows for ease of organization of model information and has three additional, major components (stored as scalar attributes).

  1. A formula matrix that describes the terms used in each model, and how they are combined.

  2. A term table that describes the terms and their properties and/or labels.

  3. A list of datasets used for the analyses that can help support additional diagnostic testing.

We go into further detail in the sections below.

Data List


Term Table


Formula Matrix