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#> Loading required package: vctrs
#> Loading required package: data.table

The package relies and is augmented heavily by the Waveform Database (WFDB) software package, which is a well-documented and well-developed ecosystem of software applications, primarily written in C and C++ that manage the storage, reading, writing, and interaction with electrical signal data. This software is mostly external to the EGM package, and is used to supplement and expand the software.

DISCLAIMER: The software required to use annotations has not yet been re-written into a C backend for R, and thus requires using a local installation of WFDB for functionality. To build online vignettes and articles, where the software package is not available, I only demonstrate non-running examples.


To install the WFDB software in its traditional, C-based format, I have found it easiest with teh instructions from the Github source. The installation instructions are relatively clear across multiple operating systems.

WFDB is easiest to install on a Unix-based system, such as Linux or MacOS. For Windows, I have found that using WSL2 is the most consistent and supported way to utilize the software. When hidden on WSL, the path must be specified explicitly using the set_wfdb_path() function using the command from Powershell, for example, to switch to a WSL command environment.

set_wfdb_path("wsl /usr/local/bin")

Once this is in place, you should be able to work with WFDB files directly from R without significant overhead costs, while also gaining access to a variety of software applications.


The WFDB software package utilizes a binary format to store annotations. Annotations are essentially markers or qualifiers of specific components of a signal, specifying both the specific time or position in the plot, and what channel the annotation refers to. Annotations are polymorphic, and multiple can be applied to a single signal dataset. The credit for this work goes directly to the original software creators, as this is just a wrapper to allow for flexible integration into R.

To begin, let’s take an example of a simple ECG dataset. This data is included in the package, and can be accessed as below.

fp <- system.file('extdata', 'muse-sinus.xml', package = 'EGM')
ecg <- read_muse(fp)
fig <- ggm(ecg) + theme_egm_light()

We may have customized software, manual approaches, or machine learning models that may label signal data. We can use the annotation_table() function to create WFDB-compatible annotations, updating both the egm object and the written file. To trial this, let’s label the peaks of the QRS complex from this 12-lead ECG.

  1. Create a quick, non-robust function for labeling QRS complex peaks. The function pracma::findpeaks() is quite good, but to avoid dependencies we are writing our own.
  2. Evaluate the fit of the peaks to the dataset
  3. Place the annotations into a table, updating the egm object
  4. Plot the results
# Let x = 10-second signal dataset
# We will apply this across the dataset
# This is an oversimplified approach.
find_peaks <- function(x,
                       threshold = 
                         mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) + 2 * sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                       ) {
  # Ensure signal is "positive" for peak finding algorithm
  x <- abs(x)
  # Find the peaks
  peaks <- which(diff(sign(diff(x))) == -2) + 1
  # Filter the peaks
  peaks <- peaks[x[peaks] > threshold]
  # Return

# Create a signal dataset
dat <- extract_signal(ecg)

# Find the peaks
sig <- dat[["I"]]
pk_loc <- find_peaks(sig)
pk_val <- sig[pk_loc]
pks <- data.frame(x = pk_loc, y = pk_val)

# Plot them
plot(sig, type = "l")
points(x = pks$x, y = pks$y, col = "orange")

The result is not bad for a simple peak finder, but it lets us generate a small dataset of annotations that can then be used. Please see the additional vignettes for advanced annotation options, such as multichannel plots, and multichannel annotations. We can take a look under the hood at the annotation positions we generated. The relevant arguments, which are displayed below, include:

  • annotator: name of annotation function or creator
  • time: constructed from sample number and frequency
  • sample: integer index of positions
  • type: a single character describing the type
  • subtype: a single character describing the type
  • channel: which channel the data is mapped to
  • number: an additional qualifier of the annotation type
# Find the peaks
raw_signal <- dat[["I"]]
peak_positions <- find_peaks(raw_signal)
#>  [1]   96  427  759 1091 1753 2085 2417 2750 3080 3412 3744 4076 4409

# Annotations do not need to store the value at that time point however
# The annotation table function has the following arguments
#> function (annotator = character(), time = character(), sample = integer(), 
#>     frequency = integer(), type = character(), subtype = character(), 
#>     channel = integer(), number = integer(), ...) 

# We can fill this in as below using additional data from the original ECG
hea <- ecg$header
start <- attributes(hea)$record_line$start_time
hz <- attributes(hea)$record_line$frequency

ann <- annotation_table(
  annotator = "our_pks",
  sample = peak_positions,
  type = "R",
  frequency = hz,
  channel = "I"

# Here are our annotations
#> <annotation_table: 13 `our_pks` annotations>
#>             time sample   type subtype channel number
#>           <char>  <num> <char>  <char>  <char>  <int>
#>  1: 00:00:00.192     96      R               I      0
#>  2: 00:00:00.854    427      R               I      0
#>  3: 00:00:01.518    759      R               I      0
#>  4: 00:00:02.182   1091      R               I      0
#>  5: 00:00:03.506   1753      R               I      0
#>  6:  00:00:04.17   2085      R               I      0
#>  7: 00:00:04.834   2417      R               I      0
#>  8:   00:00:05.5   2750      R               I      0
#>  9:  00:00:06.16   3080      R               I      0
#> 10: 00:00:06.824   3412      R               I      0
#> 11: 00:00:07.488   3744      R               I      0
#> 12: 00:00:08.152   4076      R               I      0
#> 13: 00:00:08.818   4409      R               I      0

# Then, add this back to the original signal
ecg$annotation <- ann
#> <Electrical Signal>
#> -------------------
#> Recording Duration:  10 seconds
#> Recording frequency  500  hz
#> Number of channels:  12 
#> Channel Names:  I II III AVF AVL AVR V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 
#> Annotation:  our_pks