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EGM (development version)

  • Updates to pkgdown settings for documentation organization
  • Simplify and update visualizations using ggm() object
  • Debug the color issues when adding a color theme to ggm()

EGM 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-23

This is the first CRAN release for this package. The initial version contains key features for working with intracardiac electrograms (EGM) and surface electrocardiograms (ECG), visualizing signals, and working with annotations stored in the WFDB format. A single, major class is introduced here.

  • egm objects contain signal data and meta-data with specific dispatch methods, and are composed of three internal classes
    • a signal_table that contains the raw signal data
    • a header_table that contains meta-data about the signal data
    • an annotation_table that identifies samples and labels them with specific annotations

Additional I/O features are introduced to work with data stored in the WFDB format:

  • read_wfdb() reads in WFDB data and returns an egm object
  • write_wfdb() writes an egm object to a WFDB-compatible format

This first version also allows working with ECG and EGM data using: